After the video of a young woman - dressed in a very revealing outfit - travelling on a Delhi Metro train went viral on social media, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has urged commuters to maintain social etiquette and protocols while using its services. The DMRC said an individual's choice of clothing remains a personal choice but also declared 'commuters should not wear any attire which could offend' other passengers. The statement was in response to a deluge of comments and observations - several of them crass and obnoxious - demanding action against the woman.

"Commuters should not indulge in any activity or wear any attire which could offend sensibilities of other fellow passengers," the DMRC said, flagging Section 59 of the DMRC Operations and Maintenance Act that lists 'indecency' as a punishable offence.

"… issues such as choice of clothing while travelling is a personal issue and passengers are expected to self-regulate their conduct in a responsible manner," the public transport body said.

The video - which emerged online Monday - sparked a furious debate online about the term 'appropriately dressed in public' and a woman's right to wear clothes of her choice without being subject to patriarchal norms or sexual abuse. Several people also condemned the person who recorded the video - shot from less than six feet away - and posted it online without consent.