Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said nothing was found by the CBI during the search at the PNB bank locker in Ghaziabad.CBI searched Manish Sisodia's bank lockers in an alleged corruption case today in an alleged corruption case. The ruling Aam Aadmi Party's MLAs and opposition legislators from the BJP camped the whole night at the Delhi Vidhan Sabha amid an ongoing war of words between the two parties over allegations of corruption.

A delegation of AAP leaders will go to the headquarters of CBI to file a complaint against Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena over corruption charges. AAP MLA Durgesh Pathak alleged that when the sitting LG was the Chairman of the Khadi Commission he forced his employees to exchange unaccounted cash during demonetisation. Meanwhile, Delhi Assembly is likely to witness a trust vote today which will be introduced by AAP.