"MSME and Startup Conclave 2024 and Business Excellence Awards”

Institute of Accountants of India Southern Regional Council is organizing “MSME and Startup Conclave - 2024” on January 6, 2024 (Saturday). The program is organized at Sir MV Auditorium, FKCCI, KG Road  Bengaluru. The program is hosted by ICAI, Bangaluru Branch in collaboration with Federation of  Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI).  

The program will be inaugurated by CA Pannaraj S, Chairman, SIRC of ICAI, Chennai at 09:30 am. Shri  

Ramesh Chandra Lahoti, President, FKCCI, CA Raveendra S Kore, Director, FKCCI Bengaluru, CA Geetha A  

B, Vice Chairperson, SIRC of ICAI, CA S S Nayak, Conclave Director, CA Divya S, Chairperson, CA. Pramod R  

Hegde Vice Chairman, CA. Hallur Manjunath Mahanthappa Secretary of Bangalore Branch of SIRC, will be  

present. The inauguration ceremony will be held in the presence of distinguished dignitaries and chief  

guests. 6 technical sessions on various topics at the conclave, will be presented by resource persons from  

Bangalore and other parts. 1. Global Opportunities for Indian Startups; 2. Branding, Marketing and Digital  

Transformation for MSMEs and startups; 3. Opportunities for food processing and agri-sector; 4.  

Karnataka Tourism & Industrial policy And Schemes & Incentives for MSMEs and startups ; 5. Funding  

options for MSMEs and startups; 6. MSME Town Hall - Direct interaction with experts.  

In the innovative and unique “MSME Town Hall” event, leading bankers and other experts will be present  

in direct interaction with the audience.  

The conclave will be attended by Chartered Accountants, academicians, MSME entrepreneurs, startups,  

bankers, professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs, retailers and wholesalers, educational institutions.  

The objective of this conclave is to bring Central Government, State Government and bank schemes and  

loan facilities under one roof to entrepreneurs.  

“Awards Night” at 06:30 PM (with Business Excellence Awards in 22 Sectors) To Recognize MSMEs and  

Startups who have propagated outstanding achievements through innovation, leadership, dedication and  

commitment in their respective fields.  

A colorful awards night in the evening will be attended by many distinguished guests.