AiR Serving humanity is Prayer

Actor Sonu Sood backs AiR-Atman in Ravi's fight for a dignified life for the homeless & destitute in India

Bengaluru 1 August. The pandemic brought forward heroes who went above and beyond their power to help others. One such hero was Sonu Sood, the Bollywood actor who carned the sobriquet of messiah for helping stranded Indians reach their homes during the Covid lockdown.

On Tuesday, Sood visited the Garden City to meet a social and spiritual Hero AiR - Atman in Ravi, who has been serving the homeless and destitute in Bengaluru for the last 30 years. Sood, who took a tour of the AiR Humanitarian Homes, pointed out that homelessness is a complex problem that needs a multipronged approach. "Individuals also need to come forward to do their bit. AiR Humanitarian Homes are an example of what one determined and enlightened individual can set out to do and achieve," said Sood.

An initiative of AiR - Atman in Ravi, a spiritual mentor, motivational speaker, author, singer & philanthropist, the humanitarian homes ensure a place of safety, dignity and well-being for the abandoned and destitute. With a mission to stop people from sleeping on the streets and on an empty stomach, AiR, through his NGO, set up three AiR Humanitarian Homes- Bannerghatta, Chikkagubbi Village and Chandapura in Bengaluru. The homes have, over the last three decades, served lakhs of people to get back on their feet & currently have 800 people residing in their homes. Its efforts have also helped foot the medical bills of the destitute and have reunited many wandering homeless with their families.

Sood was all praise for the facilities that not only provide a roof over the head of the destitute but also take care of their mental and physical well-being. "It is time we extend our support through money and effort for the homeless and the destitute. Homes such as these are needed beyond the big cities added Sood.

Speaking on the occasion, Atman in Ravi, said "AIR Humanitarian Homes serve 800 people every day and now we plan to take the service to other parts of the country. AiR Humanitarian Homes have never turned away anyone be it infants, elderly, victims of abuse or those with debilitating diseases. We have found people in inhuman conditions - starving, injured and with maggot-infested wounds and have helped them stand on their feet. We need everyone's support in our journey. Every help, however small it may be counts," said AiR.

The successful entrepreneur, who shut down his venture after realising true happiness was to be found in service of others, intends to come to the rescue of every abandoned destitute in this country.