Raghav Chadha was proposed to by Parineeti Chopra on May 13. Recently, further pictures from their engagement have been shared. Pawan Chopra, her father, is crying.

On May 13, 2023, Raghav Chadha, the head of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), and Bollywood star Parineeti Chopra were engaged. The couple's friends, family, and loved ones were present at the engagement ceremony. In order to attend her cousin Parineeti's auspicious day, Priyanka Chopra traveled specifically to Delhi. Politicians including former Finance Minister P Chidambaram, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, and Aditya Thackeray were also spotted arriving for the engagement event. Parineeti released some romantic photos from her engagement to Raghav on the same day.

Thanking Singh Sahib Giani Harpreet Singh Ji, the Jathedar of the Akal Takht Sahib, for their presence, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha also released additional photos from their engagement ceremony. Parineeti and Raghav are seen in the first photo holding hands, while in the second photo, they are seen sitting side by side with their families in front of them. While other photos show Parineeti and Raghav looking immensely joyful about their engagement, the third photo shows Parineeti's father Pawan Chopra sobbing in the background. It was strange to get a blessing from Singh Sahib Giani Harpreet Singh Ji, the Jathedar of the Akal Takht Sahib. His holy presence at our wedding ceremony meant the world to us.

In a comment on the photo, Parineeti Chopra's brother Shivang Chopra said, "A casual Papa sobbing up in the background is the highlight," to which a fan retorted, "I was about to remark that. This is such a lovely time. Give Uncle a hug on our behalf. Sahaj Chopra, Tanya Ghavri, a celebrity stylist, and others left heart emojis on Parineeti's tweet in the meantime.

Raghav and I are thrilled with the love and quantity of positive energy we have received over the past few weeks, particularly on our engagement, Parineeti wrote in a Facebook after the couple announced their engagement. We both come from separate worlds, therefore it's incredible to think that when we come together, our worlds will also come together. More people have joined our family than we ever could have anticipated. She made a point of mentioning her media buddies specifically, supporting them all day long.