Its announcement, the Atlee-directed film Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, has been making news. The film's unusual casting, which included SRK, Nayanthara, and Vijay Sethupathy, piqued people's interest, and the hype surrounding it has been steadily growing. Jawan won't be released on June 2 as intended, according to several claims that have appeared as the movie's release date approaches. In fact, according to a few of these rumors, the movie won't be ready for distribution on that day. Bollywood Hungama has since discovered that the movie will actually be released later than originally anticipated, on August 25 rather than the previously stated June 29.

The film would probably be delayed since has not yet indicated when the promotions will begin. To add gasoline to the already blazing fire, neither the teaser nor the trailer for the movie has yet been released. A reputable industry source has now confirmed the rumor, telling Bollywood Hungama that "Jawan is definitely not releasing on June 2 or 29." Instead, August 25 will see the release of the movie. The delay was caused by VFX, the source continues to say in further explanation. Atlee and Shah Rukh Khan were adamant that the public should receive a polished, world-class product.

This delay in publication was made in order to maximize economic opportunities due to the Bakri Eid celebrations and a prolonged four-day weekend.