One of Delhi’s most wanted gangsters, Deepak Boxer, has been arrested in Mexico by the in north American country’s law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in collaboration with a two-member team of the Delhi police’s special cell that has been camping there for the past couple of days to nab him, senior special cell officers said on Tuesday.The officers said that another team, having at least five special cell sleuths, have been dispatched to Mexico to complete the legal formalities and obtain Boxer’s custody so that he can be brought back to Delhi and make him face the Indian law enforcement agencies

This is the first time that a Delhi police team has collaborated with a foreign law enforcement agency on their soil and remained instrumental in the arrest of any fugitive wanted in India, the officer said. Deepak Boxer, who was heading gangster Jitender Maan aka Gogi’s gang, topped the list of the Delhi police’s most wanted gangsters. He carried a reward of 3 lakh on his arrest.

“Some weeks ago, we got authentic information that Deepak Boxer had fled India on a passport that was prepared in some other identity. We had definite clues that he had gone to Mexico and was staying there. His escape from India was facilitated by jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, and Goldy Brar, who is also a fugitive and hiding on a foreign soil,” said one of the special cell officers, and added that various information, confirming presence of Boxer in Mexico were gathered and verified.