Bogiram Gorkha Bhandari is the employee of police Department of Arunachal Pradesh. He belongs to Takoubari, Biswanath District is selected for presidential award for best service to nation . He is the Gorkha who accuired such prestigious award.


पटौदी इंटरप्राइजेज एवं अलगोजा रिसोर्ट - बूंदी

पटौदी इंटरप्राइजेज एवं अलगोजा रिसोर्ट कीऔर से बूंदी वासियों को दीपावली की हार्दिक बधाई व शुभकामनाएं

These award distributed around only 20-25 persons in India. Mr. Bhandari a socially active and written few books in Nepali language. He is renowno Assam. He is being feliciated at the D.K convention hall, Itanagar by S.P of Arunachal Pradesh police. The people of Biswanath feel proud to have such prestigious award.