All Assam Adivasi Student union Biswanath District commitee is demonstrated infront of DC office for two hours on 4th August 2022. They have submitted few of their demand list to authority to execute urgently . As Adivasi tribal have not to supress their legitimate demand for prologi time . Few demands are as follows -1. Distribution of land and Patta to tea tribe . 2. Increase of daily wages . 3. Enhance of scientific development of primary education in all garden area. 4. Ban of eviction in the garden without any proper rehabilitation. 5.Prime demand for ST for tea tribe and 6.Provide government authority to "Adivasi Jatiya Manch " to certify OBC certificate. All Assam Adivasi Student union and Regional committee of different area of Biswanath District ; And the leaders of other mass Organization assembled to demonstrate at DC office .
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