State Education, The first semester paper of the regular D.El.Ed. The course conducted in DIET, BTC, BEd Colleges and Normal Schools in various parts of the state under the Research and Training Council of Assam is prepared according to the syllabus of "Arts and Creative Education" -1" textbook was launched on Monday. The book was launched by Anand Gogoi, a retired teacher of Arts and Creative Education, Dhakuakhana Normal School. The book is written by Rajib Baruah, a guest teacher at Normal School and published by JS Prakashan Group, Panbazar, Guwahati. The book is expected to benefit the students studying D.El.Ed. in acquiring quality educational resources. The book was launched by the Principal of Normal School Dhakuakhana Lakhi Konwar and moderated by Partha Pratim Das, a fourth semester student of D.El.Ed.. The book was launched by Assistant Teachers of Normal School Pallabi Gogoi and Aparajita Buragohain comments that The meeting was also attended by author Rajib Baruah.
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