Assam Nepali sahitya sabha is celebrating the Nepali language recognition day at Gelaphukuri Biswanath with cooperation with sanjha kolagusti Gelaphukuri. Nepali language recognition in 8th schedule of constitution in india on 1992 20th August.Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sent an letter to Gorkha parisangha congratulating the Nepali language recognition day and Nepali sahitya sabha Biswanath distric committee is being celebrated the recognition day at Gelaphukuri.The president Biswanath District commitee Hem Goutam and secretary Ram Dahal urge the community to participate in the programme with full enthusiasm.
Assam Nepali sahitya sabha is celebrating the 31st Nepali language recognition day at Gelaphukuri Biswanath on 20th August 2022.