June 6, 2024

Pedaluru 2024: Bengaluru Gears Up for World Bicycle Day Celebration

  The Council for Active Mobility (CFAM) and the German Development Agency (GIZ) are thrilled to announce

Pedaluru 2024, an annual cycling event in Bengaluru celebrating World Bicycle Day. Scheduled for June

9, 2024, from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM, this event aims to promote health, sustainability, and active mobility

in the city.

Event Details:

Date/Time: June 9, 2024, 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Start/End Point: Kanteerava Stadium, Kasturba Road

Flag-Off Time: 7:00 AM

Pedaluru 2024 is set to bring together around 500 cyclists from across Bengaluru. This non-commercial event is organised with the support of Bengaluru's Bicycle Mayor, Mr. Sathya Sankaran. Chief guests for the event include Bengaluru Traffic Police (BTP) Commissioner MN Anucheth, IPS, Joint

Commissioner of Police, and Daniel Moser, India Transport Director, GIZ India.

Pedaluru is a citizen-driven, not-for-profit event aimed at galvanising the cycling community for a show of strength to broadly achieve 3 main goals:

Plan: Work with the city govt to have cycling be an integral part of our NMT policy, support BMLTA to come

into effect and enhance road-share for safe cycling in the city.

Engage: Engage with the cyclists of the city, with citizen groups, civic activists and corporates to adopt cycling as an ideal option for commute. Campaigns through social media and on-ground activations to encourage cycling in the city.

Build: Advocacy and design for better cycling infrastructure, enforce traffic laws for cyclist safety and make Bengaluru the cycling capital of the country. Work closely with govt agencies such as: DULT, BBMP,

BMRCL, K-Rail, Bengaluru Smart City etc to achieve above goals.

Key initiatives include:

Annual Festival: Establishing Pedaluru as Bengaluru's signature event for promoting cycling.

Digital Campaign: Launching a comprehensive digital campaign to amplify the message and showcase festival activities through social media and digital communication.

Pedaluru, organised by the Council for Active Mobility, is a not-for-profit collective dedicated to promoting

walking, cycling, and healthy urban living in Bengaluru. It aims to transform the city into a sustainable environment where 80% of local trips are made without fossil fuel-driven vehicles.

Pedaluru is supported by the Indo-German Development Co-operation project “Sustainable Urban Mobility:

Air Quality, Climate Action, and Accessibility” (SUM-ACA). The project is jointly implemented by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), the Government of India, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für

Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, and commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for

Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Pedaluru is supported by AltMo. AltMo is a climate action platform for quantifying the impact of climate positive sustainable transport choices. It allows corporations to engage employees to switch their work and end mile commute to sustainable transport and report on their emissions.