Ban on taking money for a bag of blood!

• Bead / Representative

The DCGI has taken this decision after some cases came to light of patients' relatives being charged almost as much as Rs.

In many places across the country including the state, it has come to light that the blood banks are charging almost as much as AWA for blood bags. Due to this, it has come to light that the relatives of the patients are being obstructed. Therefore, the Central Drug Regulatory Board (DCGI) has given a clear statement that blood is not a matter of sale. So now blood banks or hospitals

What exactly is the decision?

• Millions of patients are undergoing treatment in hospitals across the country. Many of these patients require large amounts of blood. Therefore, this blood is made available to patients from hospitals or private or government blood banks. Blood banks are also run by many NGOs. It was pointed out that while selling blood from many private blood banks, the patients' relatives are being charged half of the above amount. Therefore, the DCGI i.e. Drug Controller General of India has issued a regulation referring to the discussion held in September in this regard.

Cannot be sold. Blood can only be supplied,

This has also been explained by DCGI. Also, on the blood bag

DCGI also issued that only process value can be charged

It has been mentioned in the circular.