On the initiative of All Assam Gorkha Student Union , Biswanath district committee with cooperation of Assam Gorkha sammelan , Biswanath and Gohpur district committee and Nepali Sahitya Sabha , Biswanath district committee is going to organize a citizen assembly on 24th July 2022 at the premises of Bhanu Ranga Mancha , Golia , Biswanath. The assembly is going to create awareness among Gorkha's about autonomous status is required for Gorkha. The assembly will be discussed the partinent issues and obstacles to attain the autonomous council for Gorkha. The main agenda of meeting is that "Why do Gorkha demand autonomous counci in Assam?". The presidenof Assam Gorkha Student Union , Biswanath district committee Mr Sunil Gorkha chetry is stated that around three thousand concious citizen will gather at that assembly. The all necessary actions has taken to make grand success the assembly.
A citizen Assembly is going to organise in large scale at Golia, Biswanath Chariali on 24th July 2022.