Woshu Association of Assam has organised XIXth junior All Assam inter-district champhionship 2022 at Desh bhakta Tarun ram Phukan indoor stadiam on 18-19th July 2022 . Where around 200 participants are participated in the competition from different district of Assam . Mr Manoj Biswakarma and Mr. Prem Sonari from Gamiri , Biswanath district ,grabbed the Gold Medal under the category of below 70kg . The association has provided a scholarship about twelve thousand Rupees with sheild and certificate . Both players are selected for the upcoming National Woshu championship which is going to organise at Kerela on August 2022 .
Manoj Biswakarma and Prem Sonari grabbed Gold Medal in All Assam inter-district woshu championship 2022 at Guwahati