Delhi's NDMC meeting chaired by Arvind Kejriwal descended into chaos as BJP members raised the issue of alleged irregularities during the renovation of the CM's official residence. The meeting ended in under 30 minutes with accusations by the BJP of corruption and misuse of taxpayer money. The AAP has previously stated that the CM residence is not personal property but a house allotted to the chief minister by the government. The BJP and Congress have been attacking the AAP over alleged irregularities in the renovation of the Flagstaff Road bungalow.

A New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) meeting, chaired by chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday, descended into chaos after members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) raised the issue of alleged irregularities during the renovation of the CM’s official residence.

Minutes after the meeting began, BJP members of the council — vice-chairperson Satish Upadhyay, and members Kuljeet Chahal and Vishakha Sailani —raised the issue, asking questions about the 45 crore expenditure by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government to renovate the residence.

Amid the chaos, the meeting that usually lasts for two to three hours was wrapped up in under 30 minutes.