Keeping the motto - An educational initiative to promote educational awareness among Gorkha Student " The Gorkha Student organization ,All Assam Gorkha Student union is Organised an "Educational Convention and special feliciation programme" at Guwahati Dispur on 29 -30 th July . Presiding the convention and feliciation programme ,the president Arjun chetry has mentioned that new proactive measure will be initiated for development of students in Educational horizon .we encourage the renowned achiever who could be succed in their own field .The guest were gradually Mr Prem Tamang ,Chairman of Gorkha development council ,Mr Krishna Bhujel ,ASGU VP Dilip Gajirel and other respected dignified personality assembled to make success of the program. The chief guest Dr Sammujjal Bhattacharya Advisor of ASSSU praised the initiative and promised to keep supporting in each good initiative that is being taken by AGSU. The next segment of feliciation ,the Sahitya youth Academy winner Anjan Baskota and Lochana Bastola and other are also fleiciated there. About 150 students and Guardians are attended .The different distict student union excecutives are also participated to make success the grand programme.
All Assam Gorkha Student Union to Organise "Educational Convention" and special felicitation programme in Guwahati on 29/30th July 2022