Tezpur police have been detained one Sahjahan Ali for buying a bag of illegal PDS rice from a govt licence PDS distributor from Tezpur Jahajghat .
पटौदी इंटरप्राइजेज एवं अलगोजा रिसोर्ट - बूंदी
पटौदी इंटरप्राइजेज एवं अलगोजा रिसोर्ट कीऔर से बूंदी वासियों को दीपावली की हार्दिक बधाई व शुभकामनाएं
Police also seized a bag of 50 kg rice which was sealed and marked by Hariyana Govt . Sahjahan told that he come to buy and get ship price Rs 600 in 50 kg bag .
The buyer sahjahan hails from Morigaon sub division according to his voter I -Card but they were stayed near bank of the river Brahmaputra at Colonial chapori under Tezpur sub division in sonitpur district .
A big Nexus between the rice sales and distributor while a section of people doesn't received the ration card during that time people from outside illegally buy PDS rice .
Government of India distribute poor needy people 5 kg rice per 1 rupees for their family wise .
The distributor Umesh Pal of Tezpur Jahajghat manage to escape from his shop while police search him .