Resubelpara: North Garo Hills’ Deputy Commissioner, R P Marak today launched the Poshan Maah, a programme to improve nutritional outcomes of children less than six years of age, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating mothers at Berubari AWC, Bajengdoba in Resubelpara.

The DC lauded the initiatives of the government in its aims to uplift the economic condition of the people through various welfare programmes. The focus of Poshan Maah is to improve the overall nutrition status of both children and women with the objective to spread the awareness of nutrition to every household in all the villages within the district, he said.

“For the people to be able to afford nutritious food their socio-economic condition has to be enhanced and therefore government’s programmes are embedded in improving the wellbeing of the people”, Marak added. Citing an example of FOCUS +, an expansion of the Government’s flagship initiative FOCUS programme, he said that the initiative of providing financial support to members of the producers group will transform the livelihood of the people.

He, therefore, exhorted the gathering to enroll under such programme and avail the benefits being provided to them. The significance of Aadhaar enrollment in order to facilitate government’s assistance to the people was also highlighted.

The month-long programme from 1st to 30th September will centre under key themes of Mahila & Swasthya, Bacha & Shiksha, Gender sensitivity, water conservation and management and traditional food for women and children.

Some of the other highlights of the programme were health screening of women and children, Nutri kit and vegetable seeds distribution to Anganwadi workers, and fruits bearing trees were also planted in the premise of the venue.